Pearls are very precious and special. Here are ten of my favourite “pearls of wisdom”.
1. Knowing something about your new patient before they arrive for their appointment is definitely a powerful thing.
2. Spend the time, ask the questions, and be surprised with the answers and results that you achieve in your business.
3. “That caller is a shopper.” Usually these comments are made after only a short time on the phone. And often before we get to know the caller.
4. Having clearly defined steps when answering the phone in the Dental Office is so important in achieving Excellent Customer Service. Without proper steps the phone call can become confused and appointments will not be made.
5. If the phone is not ringing always question why and look at ways to change this. When the phone is not ringing, make sure the phone is being picked up and calls are being made by your Front Office People. If you believe that the phone is only there to receive calls you are seriously missing out on growing your Dental Business.
6. I believe if you exercise the art of engagement through eye contact when you are face to face with your patients you will be able to do this over the phone even though the caller cannot see you.
7. Finding out as much as you can and being ready, is so important to the success of you making the patient an appointment when you call to “follow up”. If you don’t have this information you will never be able to ask the patient the right questions to build urgency and concern.
8. Empowering your Front Office People to be great on the Phone is one of the most enjoyable professional feelings you can experience in your Dental Business, besides helping get your patients out of pain and helping to make them look and feel fabulous! Empowering your Front Office Team to feel great about themselves is a definite Win-Win-Win for them, for your patients and for your Business!
9. A Dental Office needs to be aware of what needs to be done each day, no matter what. Setting daily goals is so important. Without Daily Goals the Front Office will become lost, fall apart, and become a place of great stress.
10. In a Dental Office, the questions you ask need to lead you to the outcome you desire from the call. You need to find out important information from the caller to determine what their problem is, how to best help them, and when to make them a suitable appointment.
This blog features simple practical ideas that are easy to implement tomorrow in your Dental Office, impacting immediately on your Patients’ Dental Phone Experiences, and ultimately, improving your practice profitability.
At present I have availability for two new private clients. For more information on how I can improve your Dental Office’s Phone Numbers contact me, Jayne Bandy at
Great suggestions Jayne! Although they all are important, even if only a few are used regularly, all will benefit! Happy 2016 to you and yours!
Start with even one and work your way to all 10…..I have another 30 as well! Happy NY to you as well. 2016 is going to be an EXCELLENT year!
Great tips Jayne! Happy new year to your entire team!! 🙂