Is A Difficult Patient Really Being Difficult?

We have all said this under our breath: “What a difficult patient!” You know the patient… You can’t seem to find a time that suits them. They cancel all the time. You are always following them up. They never want to have all their treatment completed. They are in pain...

A Very Important Part Of Every Successful Dental Office

There are many challenges when it comes to running a successful Dental Practice. The most important part of any challenge is how you handle the challenge, the steps to follow to ensure you overcome the challenge and what you put into place to reduce or eliminate it...

Communicating With Your Patients The Right Way

I’m sure you will all agree that a big part of being an effective communicator is to have fabulous eye contact. Eye contact improves understanding. Eye contact improves connection and eye contact enhances how you communicate with your patients. This is so important in...

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