“The art of persuasion refers to the ability to change people’s minds, and sometimes their behaviors as well, without force, coercion, deception, or manipulation.” Google search Persuasion is changing someone’s mind in a positive way that is...
So you are recording all of your incoming phone calls? This is the question I ask dentists when I start speaking with them about their businesses. I always presume that everyone knows what you can do once you record your incoming calls, so they must already be doing...
Placing a caller on hold in your business is never the best practice but from time to time it is necessary and teams need to know how to do this correctly. If your team do not know how to place a caller on hold correctly it can be a disaster waiting to happen, and...
I often get asked, how I quickly and easily I doubled my New Patient call conversions and doubled the size of our Dental Practice along the way. I am a former primary school teacher who worked in and owned a dental practice with my husband, the Dentist. We were...