Excellent Customer Service Tips Just For You

Most people know by now that I live and breathe Customer Service in and out of the Dental Office. Like most people I love to receive Excellent Customer Service, but I also equally enjoy giving it. You might say this gives me an edge. When you receive Excellent...

Are You Leaving Out An Important Part On The Phone Call?

Many of you know by now that I am very passionate about helping teams be the best they can be when they answer phones and speak to their patients. I love helping team members grow and make improvements in how they communicate with patients and get better results for...

Get The Front Office Right Before The Players Start Playing

I heard this line recently while I was watching the commentary on a sports channel. “You Have To Get The Front Office Right Before The Players Start Playing!!!” I love this. This is so true for the Dental Office. Your Front Office is vital to the success of the...

The Importance Of That First Impression At Your Practice

What is a first impression, and what does it mean? We all make first impressions. I may be making one right now as you read this blog. A first impression is what you make when someone meets you for the first time or maybe even see or hear you for the first time. This...

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