The Best Way To Learn So It Sticks Like Glue

“Learning is the process of acquiring new understanding, knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, attitudes, and preferences.” This is a great definition of learning but there is something missing. With everything we learn we should have a purpose. I often look up...

The Best Way To Handle a Cancellation Call

I am just calling to cancel my appointment,” says your patient. “That’s okay. Thank you for letting us know,” says your team. No cancellation is okay, but there are times when patients do need to cancel their appointments. There are many patients who make and confirm...

This Is The Type Of Energy Your Patients Expect From You

A big part of what I do working with dental teams, is to help them deliver an excellent patient experience and give of great energy with their patients. I call this type of energy, CSE, Customer Service Energy. Does your team give off CSE? I often get asked by...

Setting Up An Appointment So Your Patient Turns Up On Time

There are many challenges running a successful dental practice and making sure your patients turn up for their appointment and arrive on time, is a big one. When patients don’t turn up for their appointment or arrive late, it affects your appointment schedule and all...

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