Setting yourself apart and having a point of difference in your business has never been as important as it is right now. So how do you set yourself apart from the rest? I believe an easy and quick way to have an amazing difference is to get the first phone call to...
I know many of you reading this blog are measuring and tracking lots of numbers in your business. You have all heard over and over again of the importance of measuring and tracking your results. If you want a successful and growing business you track and measure and...
Yes, I am going to give you only ONE reason why your New Patients keep changing their appointments. I know there are many reasons why your patients keep changing their appointments, but I have noticed lately after working with many dental offices, that this appears to...
The front office in a Dental Practice has many challenges every single day. One in particular is answering the phone. I know this because I listen to calls coming into dental offices every day and I hear the types of calls answered by teams and it’s not an easy...