What sets the successful Dental Practice apart from other Dental Practices? The answer is *you* do……. Whatever you choose to do in your business is what makes the difference. You need to make that difference all about your patients, and not about you. Centre that...
Do you connect with your caller? Why do I need to connect with my caller? How do I connect with my caller? Making a connection with people is how you build trust and confidence and why they want to do business with you. Do you often pick up the phone and feel it is a...
The moment you end the New Patient phone call and the appointment has been made there are three things that can happen. 1. The New Patient will be looking forward to their upcoming Appointment and understand how important it is. 2. The New Patient will start to forget...
I’ve recently had conversations with a number of Dentists and Dental Business Owners and I’ve been fascinated by one comment that I’ve heard them all say…. “I heard my Front Office People answer the phone and I didn’t like what I heard.” Each Dentist was concerned...
Why do we ask questions? We ask questions to find out things that we don’t know. I believe that most people answering the phone in a Dental Office are asking a number of questions, but are they the same questions every Dental Office is asking? I have discovered over...