Let’s face it, being a dental front office person isn’t easy…
Your front office team members are each performing multiple detailed tasks at any one time…. answering the phone, greeting patients, collecting data, making appointments, collecting payments…. the list goes on….
They’re juggling live patients, existing patients, new patients, patients in pain, and then all of a sudden, the PHONE rings, and they need to be able to immediately switch over into a different person, the “ICE LADY”, and put all those other duties on hold for a moment.
Sure, in theory that’s what’s meant to happen, but in reality, well, it’s never really quite like that at all, is it?
The bottom line is, they’ve often been adapting to their front office role by working things out for themselves, but in reality, “winging it” is not a good strategy …
And it is costing you money…
In phone calls missed… In appointments not made… In appointments made but not kept…
What exactly is going on on your Dental Practice Phones?
Our whole phone answering systems have traditionally been built on ….HOPE…
Look, there’s only one thing separating good dental practices like yours, from those dentists who are consistently bringing home SIX FIGURES A MONTH, and more.
But this one thing is absolutely critical!
And that’s having GREAT people, with GREAT skills and confidences working on the front desk of those Dental practices.
You see, the most successful dentists have definitely managed to “differentiate” themselves from their competition by the way their phones are consistently answered. They know, if your phone is answered poorly then your practice is really no different from anyone else’s.
And as you know, this has NO upside.
The good news is, as Jayne Bandy says:
“Creating a serious differential for your dental practice phone is much easier than you think.”
Discover the Difference
If you’re interested in learning more about how Call Tracking Excellence works and gets you results for your dental practice, Jayne would love to hear from you.
Contact Jayne today to get started—she can’t wait to speak with you and help you to transform your practice.
Call Jayne on 1300 378 044 or email jayne@thedpe.com