Most of the time when the Phone rings at the Dental Office, the caller has a Dental Issue they are concerned about. With the correct sequence of questions and information, the patient will begin their Treatment Acceptance while they make their appointment. I believe...
We all choose to work in a Dental Office because we love to help people. One of the best ways to help our Patients is to help them make the best decisions. Our Patients make the best decisions when we • Give a thorough and correct diagnosis • Discuss and inform what...
Treatment Acceptance is such a vital part of all Dental Offices. Treatment acceptance involves: 1. How to approach the patient 2. How to Centre the treatment around the patient 3. Knowing what to say and when 4. How to be a great listener 5. Being ready for your...
According to Wikipedia Agreeability is defined as a “personality trait manifesting itself in individual behavioral characteristics that are perceived as kind, sympathetic, cooperative, warm and considerate.” If you want to get on with people and do well in your...