I know converting more calls to appointments is not important to everyone otherwise everyone would be doing something about it. Some dentists have plenty of New Patients and don’t want any more. Some dentists have superstar front office performers who convert nearly...
Some of my clients have chosen to use a Call Tracker company to measure their call results. It is such a great way to measure and track calls coming into the practice and see how the calls are handled by the team. When I look at the results of call tracking I see a...
Have you ever said this under your breath? Does is seem like your team are just not getting their job done and under-performing? You want them to be doing this and they are doing something completely different? We sometimes listen to our team answer the phone and they...
We say so many words when we are on the phone. Sometimes we focus on what we are saying and asking and unfortunately there are times when we just don’t think before we speak. The biggest advice I can give you about what to say to your caller every single time you...