A Successful Practice Gets This Right

I heard this line recently while I was watching the commentary on a sports channel. “You Have To Get The Front Office Right Before The Players Start Playing!!!” I love this. This is so true for the Dental Office. Your Front Office is vital to the success of the...

Setting Up An Appointment So Your Patient Turns Up On Time

There are many challenges running a successful dental practice and making sure your patients turn up for their appointment and arrive on time, is a big one. When patients don’t turn up for their appointment or arrive late, it affects your appointment schedule and all...

Simple Ways To Help Your Team Increase Their Focus

We are always looking at different ways to help stay focused and increase efficiency, both at home and work. In today’s world it is very easy to lose track and start doing too many things. There are so many distractions that cause us to lose our focus. I always...

The Best Solution To This Problem

Lately there has been a lot of chat about what to do when multiple phone calls are coming into a dental office. Ultimately the goal is to answer and offer solutions to all of our callers but in a busy practice this can be a challenge. The best solution is: “If you...

Using This Will Help You Stay On Task

Working at the front office of a Dental Practice, is such a great example of multitasking. There are so many parts of what you do every day, including: Answering Phone Calls Follow Up Calls Patient Arrivals Patient Departures Processing Payments Treatment Discussions...

I Am Hearing This So Often On Phone Calls

What is happening? Or has this always been going on! I am hearing many Prospective New Patients calling dental offices, and going into a long description of the bad patient experience they had at their previous dental office. I suppose if the caller was happy with...

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