There are a number of questions not to ask your patient but my all time least favourite is….. “Have you been here before?” Why is this such a bad question to ask? Because you might as well say….. ““Who are you?” “I don’t...
There is so much focus on what teams are saying and asking on the phone and how they should be saying things differently to get better results, but what about what your team are not saying. That first phone call to your dental office is crucial. On this call the...
It has come to my attention after speaking with many dental practice owners and teams that one of the biggest struggles their team has is overcoming their fear of selling to patients. Both the dentist and their team have this same struggle. But what is selling really?...
First your patient finds you then they speak to you on the phone and make an appointment. They now arrive at your practice for their appointment. This is all the beginning of your patient’s experience. You want to ensure every part of the patient’s...