Are You Really Helping Your Patients?

It has come to my attention after speaking with many dental practice owners and teams that one of the biggest struggles their team has, is overcoming their fear of selling to patients. Both the dentist and their team have this same struggle. But what is selling...

One Of The Best Ways Not To Forget

Working at the front office of a Dental Practice, is such a great example of multitasking. There are so many parts of what you do every day, including: Answering Phone Calls Follow Up Calls Patient Arrivals Patient Departures Processing Payments Treatment Discussions...

An Untrained Team Is Very Dangerous To You And Your Patients.

A great way to lose a prospective patient is to have a person answering your business phones with no training and skills. This is a recipe for disaster. It may not be obvious straight away, and the fall out is gradual, but eventually your practice numbers will show a...

You Know To Track and Measure Results. What Are You Leaving Out?

I know many of you reading this blog are measuring and tracking lots of numbers in your business. You have all heard over and over again of the importance of measuring and tracking your results. If you want a successful and growing business you track and measure and...

I Want To Help My Patients. How Do I Do This And Not Sound Pushy?

Have you heard one of your team say, “but I can’t force the person on the phone to make an appointment.” What your team are saying is, “I am really struggling to know what to say on the phone, so I can make the caller an appointment! This is a very common struggle...

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