Have you heard one of your team say, “but I can’t force the person on the phone to make an appointment.”

What your team are saying is, “I am really struggling to know what to say on the phone, so I can make the caller an appointment!

This is a very common struggle that Dental Teams have when they answer the phones.

They are trying to make appointments but start to think and believe they sound pushy.

You may have even heard this, “that just sounds so pushy and “salesy.”

I do understand where your team are coming from.

I also believed I sounded pushy when I was answering calls in my Dental Practice.


The first step to overcome this real struggle, is to start believing you are not forcing the caller to do anything, you are helping them to choose what is best for them.

A big part of your job when you answer calls in a dental practice is to help the caller the best way you can.

This does mean you often need to suggest what is best for them.

This also means you need to use the type of language with the caller, that will also help persuade them to make that appointment. The appointment that is going to help them the best.

So what type of language do you use?

A great way to help patients is to use persuasive language.

You start by listening to the caller, so they feel acknowledged, validated and important, then you offer a suggestion for the next step.

People that call a business of any sort, want to know what is next and more importantly they want you to tell them what is next.

This is often what happens in a Dental Office, on the phone call, you hold back from offering what is next because you believe it sounds pushy and salesy!

You believe you are trying to force the caller to do something they don’t want to do.

The reality is you are suggesting what is best for them.

When the caller is ready in the phone conversation, you can then suggest making the appointment.

“It sounds like we should make an appointment for you straight away. Would you prefer morning or afternoon?”

Letting go of the belief you are being pushy will give you so much more confidence on the call and you will start to focus on really helping your patients as best you can.

Dental Phone Excellence reserves all rights.© Dental Phone Excellence


T H E  D E N T A L  P H O N E  E X C E L L E N C E  O N L I N E  M A S T E R  C L A S S  I S  H E R E !


I LISTENED TO YOU and finally my Master Class is here ONLINE just for YOU!

Your team do not need a day off work to attend this Master Class. YOUR TEAM can complete the Dental Phone Excellence Master Class right there in your practice at their own pace. The BEST part of my Master Class is that you have it FOREVER once you purchase the Master Class.

It’s time to say GOODBYE to New Patients calling your office and NO APPOINTMENT ever being made, people calling your office about the price and never making an appointment and your patients continually calling to cancel their appointment!

There are 7 Learning Modules in this Master Class

•         Module 1: How to Effectively Communicate with Your Patients

•         Module 2: The 8 Steps to the New Patient Call

•         Module 3: How to Answer the Questions Callers Ask

•         Module 4: Correct and Easy Appointment Scheduling

•         Module 5: How to Prevent and Handle Cancellations

•         Module 6: How to Follow Up Your Patients

•         Module 7: Giving the Very Best Patient Experience


There are a total of 42 Learning Videos and over 60 Worksheets, Checklists, Templates, Scripts and Flowcharts to help support your team’s learning.

This program has been designed to teach dental teams how to communicate more effectively with their patients and get better results.

This Master Class is easy to understand, easy to work through and you can go through the program at your own pace.

This is the Master Class that guarantees your success when you start using the strategies and skills we go through together.

To secure you LIFETIME access to my Master Class click the link below. It is that fast and easy to get!


I look forward to seeing you all get the RESULTS you deserve and MORE!


Call Tracking Excellence

With Call Tracking Excellence your team will learn the SAME exact processes Jayne used to:  

1. Dramatically improve new patient call-in conversions to booked appointments..

2. Retain existing patient appointments and

3. Prevent ongoing losses from appointment cancellations.


Click this link to find out how to get started. It’s that easy! http://www.calltrackingexcellence.com/


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