As we enter each day of this COVID-19 Pandemic the rules and the guidance change.

Now we have entered Level 3 for Dental Practices and Dentists. This means emergency appointments only.

For COVID-19 Level 3 Practice Expectations and Examples please refer to this link below from the Dental Board and The Australian Dental Association.

Meantime I want to provide you with useful guidance for what to say to your patients or what your team need to be saying to patients on the phones at this time.

Dentists are screaming out at the moment for the best way to communicate with their patients. Dentists are wanting to know how do they best communicate with their patients to ensure they are ethically still caring for them.

I know many practices, including many of my valued clients have chosen and decided to close their practice.

Now is the time to carefully follow the steps you need to follow to effectively and carefully communicate with your patients.

Now is a very sensitive time for yourselves, your patients and your business.

You want to make sure you get this right! Please don’t get this wrong.

If you have now closed your dental practice, this is the next step.

You need to call patients day by day to inform them that their appointments now need to be RESCHEDULED.

Yes your patient’s appointments need to be RESCHEDULED, NOT CANCELLED.

I have recommended that all appointments SHOULD be rescheduled at least 2-3 months out.

I know this time frame is changing all the time, but give your patients a sense of hope and future with an appointment for the treatment they need and want.

The last thing you want your patients to feel, is abandoned and alone right now.

If you tell your patients that you don’t know when you can book them another appointment, they are going to feel unsure, uneasy and they will quickly lose confidence in you.

The best strategy right now is to reassure your patient and make them another appointment. Worst case scenario is, you move your patient’s appointments forward or you make them another appointment in the future.

The best thing you can do for your patients right now is to set a mindset of hope and a future for when this too shall pass.



COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS UPDATE: Latest NEWS….LATEST: All of the most up to date information and all of the URGENT STEPS all Dental Practices need to be following to SURVIVE AND HELP THEIR PATIENTS during AND AFTER the Corona Virus Pandemic

Receive the very latest news about what to do NOW, TOMORROW and in the future and how to hit the ground running when things return to normal

Join me and Phone Guru Jayne Bandy as well as a guest dental infection control expert on this informative webinar for the VERY LATEST and MOST RECENT UPDATES and PROTOCOLS…. In this FREE WEBINAR Jayne and I will be discussing the very latest URGENT STEPS that the smart and savvy Dental Practices need to be following to survive during AND AFTER the Corona Virus Pandemic.

Join me and Dr David Moffet as well as a guest dental infection control expert on this informative webinar for the VERY LATEST and MOST RECENT UPDATES and PROTOCOLS….where we discuss the TEN THINGS your dental practice must be doing NOW to minimise cancellations and keep your patients focused on their dental health during these times of instant updates and misinformation and hysteria.


Call Tracking Excellence

With Call Tracking Excellence your team will learn the SAME exact processes Jayne used to:

1. Dramatically improve new patient call-in conversions to booked appointments..

2. Retain existing patient appointments and…

3. Prevent ongoing losses from appointment cancellations.

For those of you, who are ready to get started call me on 1300 378 044 or email


Thank you to all the fabulous dental teams who have attended my Master Classes over the last four years.

2020 will be the start of a brand new, NEVER done before 2 Day Event. As soon as I have all the information you will be the first to know!


Dental Phone Excellence is a simple to implement complete Phone Answering System I developed that helped me to build an extraordinary dental practice in the heart of working class Western Sydney.

If you’d like to know more, download my sixteen page FREE special report “How I Quickly and Easily Went From 35% to 77% New Patient Telephone Conversions, and Doubled The Size of my Dental Practice Along the Way” and discover some of the many costly mistakes being made on your phone…..

Go to



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