The Best Time To Contact Your Patient

When is the best time to contact a patient? Anytime is the best time of course. Within reason. The crack of dawn or midnight will not go down well. In the past we have been a little hesitant contacting patients in case it’s not the best time for them. We call...

Do You Want To Help More Of Your Patients? Then Start Doing This.

The DENTAL language your patients understand! Are you speaking the same language as your patients? When your patients understand you and get what you mean, they trust you and follow your advice, suggestions and recommendations. If your patients are not understanding...

Using This Will Help You Stay On Task

Working at the front office of a Dental Practice, is such a great example of multitasking. There are so many parts of what you do every day, including: Answering Phone Calls Follow Up Calls Patient Arrivals Patient Departures Processing Payments Treatment Discussions...

The Challenges Of Team Learning

“Learning is the process of acquiring new understanding, knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, attitudes, and preferences.” This is a great definition of learning but there is something missing. With everything we learn we should have a purpose. I often...

Are You Faking It?

Are you a good listener? Are you what we call, an ACTIVE LISTENER? Or Do you just pretend to be listening to someone? It usually doesn’t take people long to realise you are tuned out and don’t really care about what they are saying. Maybe someone has done this to you....

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