“If you are SURE others will be SURE about your words. As soon as you sound UNSURE, then people WILL doubt you.”

This was a quick message I posted on facebook a few weeks ago.

I posted this after I had been listening to a number of people both in and out of the Dental Profession who were very unsure of themselves and what they were doing. I immediately responded to their uncertainty or lack of confidence with my own uncertainty.

Their lack of confidence and certainty rubbed off onto me.

It made me think about our dental practices and patients.

How can you ever expect your patients to be sure about anything if you show them you are unsure.

When you are unsure you are screaming to others that you don’t know what you are doing, you are going to get it wrong, something bad will happen. it won’t all work out and it’s best not to follow your advice.

Can you see the problem when you are unsure.

Now I am not saying that your patients expect you and everyone on your team, to know the answers and have an immediate solution every single time, but when you don’t know you can still be sure by finding the person who does know.

Sureness is confidence. Confidence is knowing or knowing someone who does.

I often get asked by teams and sometimes even by Dentists, “how can I become more confident with my patients?”

It is a great questions and one that definitely needs to be addressed for many people.

You can develop confidence in yourself and confidence in others.

So why does one person seem to have confidence and another does not.

I wish I could bottle confidence and sell it. I would be a billionaire.

Confidence is all about how we respond and act with others in different situations.

Showing others that you are confident can be learned and implemented over and over again especially in the work place.

Arming yourself with skills, knowledge and the right action to take is the best start to building confidence and sureness.

You are now ready.

Being ready gives you great confidence immediately.

When you believe you are ready for anything you will automatically exude confidence.

Your patients are very aware of many things. One of them is reading you and your confidence.

I see this especially on phone calls at the practice.

When your team answer the phone and say the very first greeting, the caller can tell how sure you are.

The caller will also start to become confident in the dentist they will be seeing even though they haven’t met them yet. Your team influence what your patients think about you.

When you are confident on the phone the caller is more likely to follow your lead, make an appointment and keep the appointment. Once you appear unsure the caller starts to feel unsure and then you know what happens next. No appointment is made or the caller makes the appointment and cancels or just doesn’t show up.

Knowing what to say to your patients and when to say it on and off the phone, is so important. When you have these skills you WILL be more confident.

I see a level of uncertainty and lack of confidence when patients arrive at the practice. You want to be in control, confident and ready when a patient arrives at the practice.

All patients should be greeted as they arrive, this means stand up and move towards your patient. Take the lead and introduce yourself and let the patient know what the next step is. This is what your patients want. Your patient wants to know they are in good hands and the right hands as soon as they step foot in your practice.

You can see how important this bottle of confidence is!

So start at your practice by fostering team confidence in your work environment. Give you team an opportunity to speak up, contribute and feel empowered that they are making a difference.

Provide ongoing training and education so you and your team can maintain a level of confidence and competence.

Lift each other up and make everyone feel worthwhile and important. This is a great confidence booster.

Confidence can be developed over time to help you be sure and to help your patients be more sure.



I have the honour of speaking at ACAS2020 in Sydney February 21-22.

Find out how your team can convert more Phone Enquiries into kept Appointments.

If your team don’t know what to say on the phone and are not ready to book in appointments for Clear Aligners, then you will be missing out on a lot of patients.

I will be giving you tips and ideas on how to convert calls to kept appointments.

Get your tickets now. Don’t miss out!


Call Tracking Excellence

With Call Tracking Excellence your team will learn the SAME exact processes Jayne used to:
1. Dramatically improve new patient call-in conversions to booked appointments..

2. Retain existing patient appointments and…

3. Prevent ongoing losses from appointment cancellations.

For those of you, who are ready to get started call me on 1300 378 044 or email jayne@thedpe.com


Thank you to all the fabulous dental teams who have attended my Master Classes over the last four years.

2020 will be the start of a brand new, NEVER done before 2 Day Event. As soon as I have all the information you will be the first to know!


Dental Phone Excellence is a simple to implement complete Phone Answering System I developed that helped me to build an extraordinary dental practice in the heart of working class Western Sydney.

If you’d like to know more, download my sixteen page FREE special report “How I Quickly and Easily Went From 35% to 77% New Patient Telephone Conversions, and Doubled The Size of my Dental Practice Along the Way” and discover some of the many costly mistakes being made on your phone…..


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