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I was at a get together the other night with some friends and as you do we started talking about Dentists.

I had been thinking that day about what makes people choose their Dentist in the first place and more importantly what makes them keep going back to the same dentist?

So I asked the question “Why did you choose that dentist?”


The answer was, “I don’t know why.”

Then the person I asked stopped and thought about it and the answer soon changed.

“My Dentist is always on time.”

“My Dentist doesn’t hurt.”

“The Dental Practice is close by and I can park easily.”

You do want your patients to be able to answer this question if they are ever at a party. You want your patient to know why they choose you as their Dentist. If your patient does not have a good enough reason why they choose you over the other 500 dentists close by then they will not stay.

I then started asking more people why they keep seeing the same dentist.

“I love how the team looks after me.”

“Everyone is so friendly.”

“My dentist really knows me.”

“My Dentist always helps me find a way to pay.”

“They always find me a convenient appointment time.”

“Everything is always clean and fresh in their office.”

“My Dentist helps me feel less nervous.”

“My dental work lasts for a long time.”

It is a great idea to ask your patients why they chose your Dental Practice and their Dentist.

Know what attracts patients to your practice and what is important. Make sure you keep doing the things your patients love about you.

What your patients thinks is important might be really different to what you think is important.

When you know why your patients choose you and why they keep returning to you, then you can ensure they stay satisfied patients who tell their friends about how good you are.

You want to make sure every patient you see has a reason to continue seeing you other than the dental treatment they need done!


This blog features simple practical ideas that are easy to implement tomorrow in your Dental Office, impacting immediately on your Patients’ Dental  Phone Experiences, and ultimately, improving your practice profitability.

At present I have availability for two new private clients. For more information on how I can improve your Dental Office’s Phone Numbers contact me, Jayne Bandy at  jayne@theDPE.com

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