When a person calls a dental practice, it is usually because they have a dental problem or concern. Sometimes there is super urgency and sometimes not!

People that call a dental practice are looking for some sort of immediate solution to their problem that is not going to solve their dental issue straight away but sure will get the ball rolling.

If you are answering calls in a dental practice and your mindset is not to start the ball rolling to help the caller find a solution to their problem, are you really helping them or are you letting down these people big time?

So, what do I mean by a solution on the phone call?

The first thing that comes to mind is to schedule and confirm an appointment for the caller. This way, you are offering a solution by getting them in to see the dentist and get that ball rolling. Great work!

One of the biggest challenges for many practices right now is a scarcity of appointments due to the post COVID appointment scramble. Everyone who delayed or had their appointments cancelled by us, now want to see their dentists YESTERDAY!

Trying to locate a suitable appointment can be a challenge, especially right now.

But starting to offer a solution starts even before you schedule the appointment for a caller to your practice.

You want to start a level of rapport and connection so you can easily, in a friendly and professional manner, ask questions to find out more.

One of the worst things you can do is not ask questions, then not find out about the caller’s dental problem and concern and schedule the wrong appointment. You may not provide enough time for the appointment and then miss giving your dentist some insight into the caller’s concern or problem.

If you are unable to locate a soon enough appointment or one that suits both your schedule and the caller, then it’s time to offer hope, the hope of the appointment that suits them better.

Giving a caller hope is so over-looked on the call. Offering hope which may never come to fruition is a very kind gesture and should always be offered. I know it’s not really a solution to the callers issues, but it shows you care.

When you are asking questions and offering solutions and appointment times it is very important to keep your language positive.

Some of my pet peeves when it comes to “negative” language include words and phrases like:

“Unfortunately, the next appointment is not until….”

“We are fully booked.”

“I can’t get you in until.”

“When can you come in? No sorry our dentist is not here on Fridays.”

Why not switch this negativity to:

“I do have an appointment on…”

“I will call you straight away, if an earlier appointment becomes available.”

“Do you prefer morning or afternoon.”

We can mistakenly use negative language when we are trying to find solutions for our patients. Negative language can be very subtle but it’s still negative, so be careful.

Choose your words carefully and be positive, while you find those solutions on the phone calls.


LIVE Workshop: Dr David Moffet and Jayne Bandy:

“How To Easily Run, Maintain And Grow The Ultimate Dental Practice In 2022 and Beyond”

If you’re sick and tired of drilling all day long, and not having anything close to what you deserve, to show for it… or if you’ve ever wondered, “What can successful dentists POSSIBLY know, that I don’t?”… then register for this LIVE workshop Thursday April 28, 2022 in Brisbane QLD

Click here for more details.


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