LOCKDOWN has become a dirty word!
We hate them and we are sick of them, but this is what we must do, or believe we must do!
Caring for your patients during this time is a bit of a minefield.
If you see your patients right now for dental treatment and care, do you run the risk of infecting people in your practice or your patients, even with your PPR, or do you not see your patients when they may need you the most.
This is a difficult and ethical decision that becomes both personal and professional.
Many dental practices in the Sydney Greater Area, have opted today to open their doors and do LEVEL 1 Dentistry as per the guidelines.
They are taking every precaution and doing an amazing job screening their patients and caring for them at the same time.
The best strategy always, is to follow the guidelines available to dentists from the relevant governing bodies and support associations as well as your ethical gut!
Keep up to date, as the line in the sand is moving constantly and you must be fully informed.
It’s, a good idea right now to delegate this role to a responsible person on your team.
I have seen many dental practice social media pages being updated with directions for their patients and potential patients, advising them on what they can do right now, when it comes to their dental care and treatment.
I have also listened to a lot of phone calls this morning where teams are reassuring their patients that it is still ok to come to their appointments.
Again, I stress the need for thorough and correct COVID screening to reduce the high risk of any community transmissions right now.
I am sure you would agree, you do not want to be known as the practice that endangered the community!
Pre-appointment COVID Screening must be a phone call NOT an SMS.
There is way too much to ask with the screening questions and this CANNOT be done properly with a short SMS!
Ensure ALL patients and the team are wearing masks, check every patient’s temperature on arrival at the practice as well as asking the COVID Screening Questions AGAIN!
Only have a minimum of patients at any one time in the Patient Lounge and moving through the practice.
This is our brave world right now, but I do believe we will return to normal, well a new normal, but one less unknown than it is right now.
The goal you have now is to keep yourself safe, keep your team safe, keep your patient’s safe and keep your community safe.
But in the meantime, your patients will get toothaches, will need treatment and care and will be looking to you for guidance.
Do not let your patients down!
Dental Phone Excellence reserves all rights.© Dental Phone Excellence
T H E D E N T A L P H O N E E X C E L L E N C E O N L I N E M A S T E R C L A S S I S H E R E !
I LISTENED TO YOU and finally my Master Class is here ONLINE just for YOU!
Your team do not need a day off work to attend this Master Class. YOUR TEAM can complete the Dental Phone Excellence Master Class right there in your practice at their own pace. The BEST part of my Master Class is that you have it FOREVER once you purchase the Master Class.
It’s time to say GOODBYE to New Patients calling your office and NO APPOINTMENT ever being made, people calling your office about the price and never making an appointment and your patients continually calling to cancel their appointment!
There are 7 Learning Modules in this Master Class
• Module 1: How to Effectively Communicate with Your Patients
• Module 2: The 8 Steps to the New Patient Call
• Module 3: How to Answer the Questions Callers Ask
• Module 4: Correct and Easy Appointment Scheduling
• Module 5: How to Prevent and Handle Cancellations
• Module 6: How to Follow Up Your Patients
• Module 7: Giving the Very Best Patient Experience
There are a total of 42 Learning Videos and over 60 Worksheets, Checklists, Templates, Scripts and Flowcharts to help support your team’s learning.
This program has been designed to teach dental teams how to communicate more effectively with their patients and get better results.
This Master Class is easy to understand, easy to work through and you can go through the program at your own pace.
This is the Master Class that guarantees your success when you start using the strategies and skills we go through together.
To secure you LIFETIME access to my Master Class click the link below. It is that fast and easy to get!
I look forward to seeing you all get the RESULTS you deserve and MORE!
Call Tracking Excellence
Click this link to find out how to get started. It’s that easy! http://www.calltrackingexcellence.com/
If you want to know about the Dental Phone Excellence System I developed over many years working in my own Dental Practice and the same System I now share with many Dental Teams, then give me a call or send me a quick email.
The teams I have worked with all say how much easier it is using the Dental Phone Excellence System, when they answer calls and how many more kept appointments they make and confirm for their patients.
1300 378 044 or jayne@thedpe.com.