I know many of you reading this blog are measuring and tracking lots of numbers in your business.

You have all heard over, and over again, how important it is to measure and track your results.

If you want a successful and growing business you MUST track and measure and look at important KPIs every day, weekly, monthly and annually.

Yes, consistent, non-stop tracking and measuring!

Measuring your KPIs show you how you are going in your business.

KPIs show growth and prosperity as well as the decline and loss in your business.

What are your KPIs you ask?

KPIs are Key Performance Indicators.

What you track and measure tells you how you are going in your business. Are you running a healthy business that is flourishing and growing or are you in decline or even stuck.

Here are some great Key Performance Indicators that will tell you how your Dental Practice is going:

  • Production
  • Collections
  • Profit
  • number of new patients
  • number of active patients
  • cancellation rate for existing patients
  • cancellation rate for new patients
  • overheads
  • fail to attend appointment rate
  • production of each existing patients
  • production of each new patient
  • your case acceptance
  • the type of dental treatment completed
  • team expenses (or as I like to say, your team investment).


Now the important part that many business owners FAIL TO DO……..

Do something with what you track and measure.

The truth is, you do need to be measuring all of the above KPIs

But there is another, important, yet overlooked KPI to add to the list.

The KPI of calls coming into your practice that DO NOT make an appointment.

Right now, I know many of you are saying to yourself, how is this, a Key Performance Indicator?

How does knowing how many people did not make an appointment, a measure of anything?

Well, it’s a measure of your missed opportunity.


It’s a measure of what your business missed out on.

You attracted people to your practice, they wanted your help and somehow you didn’t get the chance to help them.


  • You are attracting the wrong patients that don’t match your practice.
  • Your team are struggling on calls and don’t know what to say or ask callers.
  • You don’t have enough people answering phones for the number of calls coming into the practice.
  • Your Appointment Book has no structure to be able to easily book patients in.


The good news is, once you know where the weakness lies and what is not working well, there is always a way to fix it with a little effort and consistency.

Start paying attention and measure that overlooked KPI of people calling your office and NOT making the appointment.

It will be very interesting what you discover and what you do about it.

Dental Phone Excellence reserves all rights.© Dental Phone Excellence


T H E  D E N T A L  P H O N E  E X C E L L E N C E  O N L I N E  M A S T E R  C L A S S  I S  H E R E !


I LISTENED TO YOU and finally my Master Class is here ONLINE just for YOU!

Your team do not need a day off work to attend this Master Class. YOUR TEAM can complete the Dental Phone Excellence Master Class right there in your practice at their own pace. The BEST part of my Master Class is that you have it FOREVER once you purchase the Master Class.

It’s time to say GOODBYE to New Patients calling your office and NO APPOINTMENT ever being made, people calling your office about the price and never making an appointment and your patients continually calling to cancel their appointment!

There are 7 Learning Modules in this Master Class

•         Module 1: How to Effectively Communicate with Your Patients

•         Module 2: The 8 Steps to the New Patient Call

•         Module 3: How to Answer the Questions Callers Ask

•         Module 4: Correct and Easy Appointment Scheduling

•         Module 5: How to Prevent and Handle Cancellations

•         Module 6: How to Follow Up Your Patients

•         Module 7: Giving the Very Best Patient Experience


There are a total of 42 Learning Videos and my Checklists, Templates, Scripts and Flowcharts to help support your team’s learning.

This program has been designed to teach dental teams how to communicate more effectively with their patients and get better results.

This Master Class is easy to understand, easy to work through and you can go through the program at your own pace.

This is the Master Class that guarantees your success when you start using the strategies and skills we go through together.

To secure you LIFETIME access to my Master Class click the link below. It is that fast and easy to get!


I look forward to seeing you all get the RESULTS you deserve and MORE!


Call Tracking Excellence

With Call Tracking Excellence your team will learn the SAME exact processes Jayne used to:  

1. Dramatically improve new patient call-in conversions to booked appointments..

2. Retain existing patient appointments and

3. Prevent ongoing losses from appointment cancellations.


Click this link to find out how to get started. It’s that easy! http://www.calltrackingexcellence.com/


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