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How time flies. 2016 just went by so quickly.

It was a year of joy, sadness, anger, laughter, success, failure and hope for many of us, myself included.

Sort of like most years but like every year we exaggerate what actually happened so we can aim for an even better year next year.

This gives us hope that things can always be better, and they can be in 2017!

Historically 2016 was the year that many people wanted to end. Sadness and fear were our parting notes.

Interestingly though 2016 was the International Year of Global Understanding (IYGU)

The year of understanding.

A year to understand more about ourselves, about other people, about the world and about our businesses.

So what did you understand during 2016?

My understanding was that things don’t just happen like magic.

You have to work, learn, enjoy, communicate and interact with others to be successful both personally and in business.

Letting go was also a big understanding for me in 2016.

I saw many other people also let go and I understand why they needed to do it.

Letting go is part of moving on and taking on new life changing experiences.

Letting go is about growing and learning.

I saw Dentists do this in their businesses.

I saw them let go of the things in their business that were holding them back.

Holding on to something that is not working can be the difference between going nowhere in your business and your life.

The first step is being aware and understanding you are not growing and need help.

The next step is doing something about it as soon as you understand what is not working.

Was 2016 your year of understanding?

If it was your year of understanding, but you did not take action and make changes, then 2017 can be your year of action.


Take control of your year.

Start with a plan that takes you step by step closer to where you would like to be.

Yes, you will have obstacles.

Everything worthwhile does.

Work through the obstacles. Get help and advice from the right people. Be patient.

Move from the understanding and 2017 will be your year of taking action and making changes.

Happy New Year and go for it in 2017.


This blog  features simple practical ideas that are easy to implement tomorrow in your Dental Office, impacting immediately on your Patients’ Dental  Phone Experiences, and ultimately, improving your practice profitability.


Dental Phone Excellence is a simple to implement complete Phone Answering system I developed that helped me to build an extraordinary dental practice in the heart of working class western Sydney.

If you’d like to know more,  download my sixteen page FREE special report “How I Quickly and Easily Went From 35% to 77% New Patient Telephone Conversions, and Doubled The Size of my Dental Practice Along the Way” and discover some of the many costly mistakes being made on your phone…..

My next live full day workshop “How to Turn Every Dental Phone Call Into A Valued and Kept Appointment” is being held in Sydney NSW on Friday February 17, 2017.

Click here on this link to register.

At present I have availability for only THREE new private clients. For more information on how I can improve your Dental Office’s Phone Numbers contact me, Jayne Bandy at  jayne@theDPE.com


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