Unlike taking a dental impression where you get to try again if you don’t get it right, you only get one chance to make a first impression on the phone.
To ensure the first impression on the phone is the right one, you need to take a close and hard look at who is answering the phones in your Dental Office.
Do you have the right people answering your phones?
How do you know if they are the right people?
By the right people, I mean a person who is creating the impression that matches your practice and your expectations.
Do they know what you expect from them when they answer the phones?
Answering the phone incorrectly can sadly mean a huge loss of patients to your practice as well as a huge production loss.
If you have not been focused on the front office and who is answering your phones, then start doing it right now! It is never too late.
Doing this one thing can make such huge difference to your business and how you help patients.
This is my top 8 list of what you should expect from the person answering your phones.
- They know what to say and ask the caller
- They speak slowly and clearly
- They are polite and genuine
- Likeable
- A great listener
- Can build urgency and concern
- A problem solver
- Can efficiently make an appointment
- They gather the right information ready for the appointment
Start listening to how your phones are answered.
I am always so surprised how few Dentists know what the number of call conversions to appointments made is in their practice.
Most Dentists tell me their call conversions are quite good.
What does that mean?
Usually it means they are not good at all. Most dentists get a rude shock when they start to really measure the call conversion numbers.
After reading my blog article today go and start measuring and keeping track of your call conversions.
Think about the amount of money you throw into marketing each week and make sure your return on investment is a good one.
Your return on the marketing dollar in a Dental Office really comes down to this:
- People calling your office
- Making an appointment
- Keeping their appointment
- Making another appointment
- Referring their family and friends
Much of this is determined by the person who answers your phone.
This blog features simple practical ideas that are easy to implement tomorrow in your Dental Office, impacting immediately on your Patients’ Dental Phone Experiences, and ultimately, improving your practice profitability.
Dental Phone Excellence is a simple to implement complete Phone Answering system I developed that helped me to build an extraordinary dental practice in the heart of working class western Sydney.
If you’d like to know more, download my sixteen page FREE special report “How I Quickly and Easily Went From 35% to 77% New Patient Telephone Conversions, and Doubled The Size of my Dental Practice Along the Way” and discover some of the many costly mistakes being made on your phone…..
My next public speaking presentation showing Dentists how to grow their Dental practices will be in Melbourne Australia on Saturday 1 April 2017 with Dr David Moffet and Wolfgang Hofbauer.
For more information and to secure your seat click this link here.
At present I have availability for only THREE new private clients. For more information on how I can improve your Dental Office’s Phone Numbers contact me, Jayne Bandy at jayne@theDPE.com