I often get asked, how I quickly and easily I doubled my New Patient call conversions and doubled the size of our Dental Practice along the way.

I am a former primary school teacher who worked in and owned a dental practice with my husband, the Dentist.

We were struggling to schedule New Patients and keep patients from cancelling appointments.

Something had to change. We couldn’t keep going the way we were.

I soon discovered a fantastic new way for dentists to make a tremendous amount of extra money in their dental practices. 

It’s just a simple, systematic way of answering the phone, which increases new patient inbound phone call conversion rates up to 77% or more.

Yes, 77%… or more 

And the nice thing is, literally any dental office can do this same thing, or better. 

All team members who want to do a good job, are quite capable of doing this. 

Take this little quiz and see how well you do:

Mark off which one (if any) of these critical metrics your team is consistently keeping track of:

  • The exact number of new patients calling into your office on any given day, week, or month. And how this compares to any other day, week or month..
  • The specific percentage of these new patient calls that are actually being converted into new, paying patients.
  • The specific percentage of your new patient calls that aren’t being converted into anything.
  • And, for all your new patient appointments: how many of these patients are actually keeping their appointments? After all, it’s nice to say “I got ‘X’ number of new patients this week,” but it’s actually far more important to know, with certainty…….exactly how many new patients you actually kept.
  • The exact number of your existing patients who call in and cancel their appointments – again, on any given day, week, or month. It’s just a matter of knowing what to say, and how to say it.
  • For all these cancellations, what percentage of them are rescheduled? I hope, for your sake, it’s quite a lot. Because as you’ll see… it needs to be if you want your practice to experience consistent growth.
  • For all these cancellations… what percentage of them are completely lost? “Completely lost” means your patient cancelled their appointment and does not want to re-book the procedure, at all.
  • And lastly… what percentage of these cancellations are put back on the books using a follow-up call, later on? Unfortunately, most dental offices don’t even do these types of follow-up calls. And if you’re one of these practices, you’re losing thousands of cash-flow dollars every single month, because of this.


So, how many of these numbers are you actively keeping track of?

And by “keeping track,” I mean ‘accurately recording, measuring, and tracking for improvement, on a consistent basis.’

If you’re like most dentists I’ve met with, you may “kind of” know one or two of these metrics… but you’re probably not “tracking” any of them.

And if you’re not, let me ask you a very blunt question:

How can you possibly run a profitable dental practice not knowing what’s going on in it?

Not tracking and having a grip on how your most valuable assets (your patients) are behaving… and not having a system to get them to behave the way you want them to?

So my advice is if your not measuring and tracking your results you can start tomorrow.

Start by tracking the metrics I have mentioned here and you will be well on your way to success!

If your new patient numbers are down, or if you’ve just “sensed” for a while you’re not making as much money as you should be from inbound phone calls… then download your copy of this Free Report right now: 





Here is my Master Class, ONLINE just for YOU!

Your team do not need a day off work to attend this Master Class. YOUR TEAM can complete the Dental Phone Excellence Master Class right there in your practice at their own pace. The BEST part of my Master Class is that you have it FOREVER once you purchase the Master Class.

It’s time to say GOODBYE to New Patients calling your office and NO APPOINTMENT ever being made, people calling your office about the price and never making an appointment and your patients continually calling to cancel their appointment!

There are 7 Learning Modules in this Master Class

•         Module 1: How to Effectively Communicate with Your Patients

•         Module 2: The 8 Steps to the New Patient Call

•         Module 3: How to Answer the Questions Callers Ask

•         Module 4: Correct and Easy Appointment Scheduling

•         Module 5: How to Prevent and Handle Cancellations

•         Module 6: How to Follow Up Your Patients

•         Module 7: Giving the Very Best Patient Experience


There are a total of 42 Learning Videos and over 60 Worksheets, Checklists, Templates, Scripts and Flowcharts to help support your team’s learning.

This program has been designed to teach dental teams how to communicate more effectively with their patients and get better results.

This Master Class is easy to understand, easy to work through and you can go through the program at your own pace.

This is the Master Class that guarantees your success when you start using the strategies and skills we go through together.

To secure you LIFETIME access to my Master Class click the link below. It is that fast and easy to get!


I look forward to seeing you all get the RESULTS you deserve and MORE!


Call Tracking Excellence

Click this link to find out how to get started. It’s that easy! http://www.calltrackingexcellence.com/

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