Most of you probably already know what a “call conversion” is.
It is a call that comes into your dental office that then becomes an appointment.
I like to take this one step further.
A call that comes into your dental office that becomes an appointment that is kept.
When I ask Dentists what their call conversion rate is at their practice they usually don’t know.
Most dentists don’t know their call conversion rate, because they don’t track and measure it.
The reason they don’t track and measure their call conversions is because they don’t know how important it is.
So why is it so important to know your call conversion numbers?
Knowing you conversion numbers means you now know:
- how many people called your office
- how many people made appointments
- how many people did not make appointments
- why people did not make appointments
Knowing these numbers and this information is priceless!
If you know how many people called your office, you now know if your marketing is working and still worthwhile investing in.
Knowing how many callers made appointments is always important.
But knowing how many people did not make appointments is also so important.
This number may be painful, especially if the number of people calling your office and not making appointments is higher than the callers making appointments.
The good news is, you now know. You are aware. You can do something with this knowledge.
You now know what most dentists do not!
With this information you can look at the reasons why callers are not making appointments.
Once you analyse the reasons you now have an opportunity to work on the skills needed to handle these type of callers and look for solutions so the caller does make an appointment.
Often dental offices discover that their team need to improve their phone skills to better handle the callers questions and ultimately make them an appointment.
You now have a much better opportunity of converting more calls to appointments and helping more people along the way.
Have you been leaving this up to chance?
Have your front office team been struggling and you were unaware?
Your team may have been embarrassed to ask for help or they may have thought they were doing ok.
Track and measure and know for sure what your call conversions are.
Start with your team counting the calls each day and making notes.
Now you can check these call conversion numbers and you will know if you need help and your team need training.
The next Master Class is in Brisbane- Friday 12th October 2018.
Click here on this link to register.
Followed by the last Master Class for 2018 in Sydney- Friday 16th November 2018.
Click here on this link to register.
Dental Phone Excellence is a simple to implement complete Phone Answering system I developed that helped me to build an extraordinary dental practice in the heart of working class western Sydney.
If you’d like to know more, download my sixteen page FREE special report “How I Quickly and Easily Went From 35% to 77% New Patient Telephone Conversions, and Doubled The Size of my Dental Practice Along the Way” and discover some of the many costly mistakes being made on your phone…..
At present I have availability for TWO new private clients. For more information on how I can improve your Dental Office’s Phone Numbers contact me, Jayne Bandy at