How To Connect With a Caller Who Is Upset?

Most calls we receive in a Dental Practice are fairly straight forward. We make a connection with the caller, ask questions to find out more and the schedule and confirm an appointment to get everything started. But occasionally there are those calls that are quite...

The Questions You Never Want Your Patient To Call You About

Your patient has scheduled their appointment and just before their appointment they call with these questions. When is my appointment? How long does my appointment go for? What is the appointment for? Which dentist will I be seeing? How much will it cost?   So...

6 Ways To Be More Likeable And Why It Is Important In Your Business

Have you noticed that for most people you meet who are likeable, it seems they do it effortlessly? They are just liked by everyone immediately. But being likeable does take effort and thoughtfulness. Likeable people work at being likeable most of the time. To be...

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