What happens next after the patient has been handed over to the front office team?
It is very important to get this right at the end of your patient’s appointment.
After every appointment your patient should:
- Leave with a next appointment
- Pay for the treatment and care, they have just had.
Simple and easy to do, but it MUST be done in the correct order.
Always schedule your patient’s next appointment and then take their payment.
I see so many dental teams do it the other way around.
Here is the reason why this is so important.
If you take the patient’s payment first, then is a chance that your patient will leave without making the next appointment.
You probably know what I mean. You may have heard your patients say this:
“That’s OK I will call you and make the next appointment later.”
“I need to check my diary when I get home.”
“I’m in a rush, I haven’t got time to make the appointment now.”
“I don’t know what I am doing.”
Now I know that not every patient will do this, but it is amazing how many will, especially when we go to schedule their appointment after processing their payment.
When your patient has paid, they are ready to leave and it becomes easy for them to postpone making their next appointment. They have one foot out of the door when the payment is made.
The other reason you MUST schedule the next appointment before taking the payment is because they have just been brought to the front desk for a handover where we went through the next step in treatment and care. While the patient is still thinking about this discussion it just makes sense to now schedule the next appointment. If you start taking the payment next, then there is a risk the patient will forget everything that was discussed in the handover and not make an appointment.
If the patient needs no appointment for ongoing treatment with the Dentist, they will have another appointment that was made previously after their last preventive care appointment. This is now the time to go over this with the patient.
After you have done all of this with the patient, it is time process your patient’s payment and say goodbye.
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T H E D E N T A L P H O N E E X C E L L E N C E O N L I N E M A S T E R C L A S S I S H E R E !
I LISTENED TO YOU and finally my Master Class is here ONLINE just for YOU!
Your team do not need a day off work to attend this Master Class. YOUR TEAM can complete the Dental Phone Excellence Master Class right there in your practice at their own pace. The BEST part of my Master Class is that you have it FOREVER once you purchase the Master Class.
It’s time to say GOODBYE to New Patients calling your office and NO APPOINTMENT ever being made, people calling your office about the price and never making an appointment and your patients continually calling to cancel their appointment!
There are 7 Learning Modules in this Master Class
• Module 1: How to Effectively Communicate with Your Patients
• Module 2: The 8 Steps to the New Patient Call
• Module 3: How to Answer the Questions Callers Ask
• Module 4: Correct and Easy Appointment Scheduling
• Module 5: How to Prevent and Handle Cancellations
• Module 6: How to Follow Up Your Patients
• Module 7: Giving the Very Best Patient Experience
There are a total of 42 Learning Videos and over 60 Worksheets, Checklists, Templates, Scripts and Flowcharts to help support your team’s learning.
This program has been designed to teach dental teams how to communicate more effectively with their patients and get better results.
This Master Class is easy to understand, easy to work through and you can go through the program at your own pace.
This is the Master Class that guarantees your success when you start using the strategies and skills we go through together.
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I look forward to seeing you all get the RESULTS you deserve and MORE!
Call Tracking Excellence
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