I Want To Help My Patients. How Do I Do This And Not Sound Pushy?

Have you heard one of your team say, “but I can’t force the person on the phone to make an appointment.” What your team are saying is, “I am really struggling to know what to say on the phone, so I can make the caller an appointment! This is a very common struggle...

The Questions You Never Want Your Patient To Call You About

Your patient has scheduled their appointment and just before their appointment they call with these questions. When is my appointment? How long does my appointment go for? What is the appointment for? Which dentist will I be seeing? How much will it cost?   So...

6 Ways To Be More Likeable And Why It Is Important In Your Business

Have you noticed that for most people you meet who are likeable, it seems they do it effortlessly? They are just liked by everyone immediately. But being likeable does take effort and thoughtfulness. Likeable people work at being likeable most of the time. To be...

How To Easily Talk With Your Patient To Make a Lasting Connection

To really help your patients effectively you need to first be able to talk easily with them. Talking WITH your patient is different to talking TO your patient. You want ALL communication with your patient to be a discussion where your patient actually does more...

This One Big Mistake Is Losing You Many Patients

It is quite normal to want to know the price of something before you pay for it. You value your money, you work hard for it and times are getting tough for many people right now. Then why do we get annoyed when people call our dental office asking about the cost of...

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